artic doggos Mom and I went to Northern Sweden to see the Northern Lights and ski. I couldn't tell the difference between the Northern lights and clouds without an iPhone camera. Also, skiing during a snow storm (there was a hurricance hitting from Norway) was a very poor life choice (I'm glad I'm still alive). I think I will ski there again for the midnight sun though
Liz and Dan's new sibling During Christmas Liz went to Vietnam for a hiking trip and her mom's friends got cats for adoption. Dan asked their mom to consider that Liz is allergic to cats, and probably adopting two cats can be tricky for their fam. But ya, their mom adopted the cats (we joked that they are to replace Liz and Dan) before Liz came home lol. Well Liz and Dan are in good terms with their new sibilings.
Doggo waiting for the Tube Waiting at the Piccadilly line. Went to London for Adrian and Regine's wedding! I have known Adrian since 4, and Regine is the GREATEST addition to his life. Like literally, he has become a waaaay better human being. Well, he wasn't that bad to start with, at least when I was in high school in the U.S., he helped me out with math when he was across the pond in the U.K. He got his PhD in Math at 25
Can't move anymore I feel ya, doggo! It's so warm, and you're so furry.
Vulnerable Ghibli cat I appreciate that Dad and Uncle Sam got rid of their comb-overs, which had been kept over two decades. #AloeDoesntWork
Eine Kartoffel This kartoffel just flipped over.
Buda dogs Seeing them in a Starbucks by my fav bridge in Buda was magical.
Dog by the parliament It ran up to me by the Hungarian parliament.
my spirit animal This is my first time seeing a sloth, and idk how to explain my feeling.
Aussie animals?? I saw this in the Try Guys' Try Australia series.
That only dog This is the only dog I saw in Santorini.
Hangry cats Restaurants in Santorini are kinda like cat cafes but with more cats.
Waiting When your owner was in the ruins and you couldn't go in.
Dog with a good posture This dog's posture was so much better than mine.
Barcelona dog gang I got churros and dogs, and I survived from cuteness overdose.
Birdy bird I think he is French.
Massive dog His hand is bigger than mine.
Dog in rome Look at his eyes.
Cat in the Ruins Wonder whether apostle Paul had a cat on his lap while sharing the Gospel in Ephesus.
The restaurant cat I got a menemen at this restaurant in Kadikoy. Menemen is a Turkish vegetarian breakfast dish made with eggs and tomatoes.
The tres-legged dog The dog on the left drinking water survived a shooting in Texas when he was one, and after that, he was left with three legs. #Rescued
FDR's dog "You know, Fala is Scotch, and being a Scottie, as soon as he learned that the Republican fiction writers in Congress and out had concocted a story that I'd left him behind on an Aleutian island and had sent a destroyer back to find him— at a cost to the taxpayers of million of dollars— his Scotch soul was furious. He has not been the same dog since."
Sassy sheep Elise and I decided to get on a morning walk before the sermons during Fall retreat, and we saw this girl.
Hank the boss It took us 7 hours driving down to East Lansing. We met this dog at a gas station, and his owner said that Hank thinks that he is a boss.
Raw-fish diet The lab I interned in in Summer 2017 drove over to East Lansing and picked me up for their Fall retreat in Northern Michigan. They gave raw fish to the Airbnb owner's cat.
Follow the Mama duck Saw this on my way from church to work on a Sunday. Mama duck was leading the ducklings down to the Grand River from Van Andel.
A cat needed patting Still in Bergen. She stopped, and I patted her.
Dog from Bergen I went on a hike in Bergen, and this dog was outside of a restaurant.
Cow not to be crossed This cow had some genetic defects, which was not desirable to be crossed.
Munching Emmy's shoe Emmy worked in MSU sheep farm in Spring 2017, and she moved out and lived in the sheep farm that semester. Apparently, this sheep thought Emmy's shoe was edible.
Sleepy seals I head up to NoCal after celebrating Christmas with my fam in SoCal. The seals are tanning all day every day.
Very fierce otter This petting cafe is also on Omotesando Rd. They have a pool for three otters, and feeding them is somewhat expensive.
Heavy hedgehog There are several hedgehog cafes on Omotesando Rd. (near Meiji Jingu) in Tokyo. This hedgehog was hiding itself in the food to eat all day every day.
Cat This is from a pretty typical Japanese cat cafe. The owner asked me about the scratches I got from feeding a squrriel back in Gifu.
Scary squrriel This is in Gifu. You have to take a cable car to get up to the castle. There's this squrriel petting zoo right next to the cable car station on the mountain.
Sheep squad During a class in my studying abroad progam in rural Japan. My environmental study squad did a ton of hiking that summer, and we had to bike to school for 45 minutes everyday.
Daring deer Deers in Nara are very well-fed by tourists. I bought a stack of crackers to feed them, and there's this deer putting the entire stack of crackers and my wallet into its mouth.
Gramma dog Met her in the middle of downtown Havana on our day-off. We also got very magical churros.
Chloe from Havana Chloe followed my mission team through Havana. I was on a mission trip with Cru and Filter of Hope to distribute water filters and share the Gospel to Cuban families!